Oliver Nakoinz
MOSAIC Summer School 2016
Purpose of interaction
Definition 1
Definition 2
Definition 3
Power and Leverage
Traditional history is about events, when people interact. It is about gaining and applying power and influencing and controlling the behaviour of other people using different means.
Social structures
Social structures are a kind of infrastructure of effective interaction. Social structures are defining the acceptable and unacceptable kinds of interaction. The negotiation of social status is a process of interaction.
Interaction supports the fulfilment of needs and to overcome shortages by changing the distribution of commodities and conducting services:
Interaction supports innovations by
If people are at different places, they need means of transportation or telecommunication for conducting interaction. It is required to move people, commodities or ideas/knowledge. The means of transportation and the transportation infrastructure is at the same time enabling and restricting interaction. The system of transportation:
Daily live and culture
Interaction is an essential part of the daily live. Every contact to another individual represents a process of interaction, even if the purpose is not clear.
Daily live and culture
If a certain behaviour becomes a custom and is shared with others, we call it culture. Since interaction causes common standardisations, culture is a kind of effect of interaction.
Definition 4
Cultures are mapping interaction structures
Definition 5
Centrality is the relative surplus of meaning due to fulfilling central functions for the surrounding area.
Definition 6
Centrality is the relative concentration of interaction.
Definition 7
A possible realisation in which all valid sentences of a theory T are satisfied is called a model of T.
A model is characterised by:
\(O_1\) and \(O_2\) are objects and \(O_2\) is a model of \(O_1\) for \(k\) in the time interval \(t\) regarding a certain purpose \(Z\) if in \(t k\):
Definition 9
A model is a simplified mapping used for a certain purpose.
Definition 10
Definition 11
A model is an iconic sign.
Definition 12
A model is an artefact, used for a certain purpose by a specific community. The model is analogue to the original. A model has certain methods for development and usage and is based on certain theories and assumptions.
Peter Haggett
David L. Clarke
Definition 13
Definition 14
A model is a simplified and intelligible picture of the world.
Diffusion model
\[\frac{\delta p}{\delta t} = k \frac{\delta^2p}{\delta x^2} + mp(1-p)\]
Wave of advance (Fisher 1937):
Pred predator
\[\frac{\delta x}{\delta t} = ayx - bx\]
\[\frac{\delta y}{\delta t} = cy - dxy\]
Lotka-Volterra equations (Lotka 1925; Volterra 1926):
Voronoi graph
Voronoi graph
Voronoi graph
Voronoi graph
Disciplinary spaces
A metrical space is spanned by a metric, which defines distances.
Fetter modell
Weighted Voroni
\[ \Phi = \alpha - \gamma\psi(\delta) \]
\[ \alpha = \alpha_s(t_\alpha \alpha_d + \mid t_\alpha -1 \mid)\]
\[ \gamma = \gamma_s(t_\gamma \gamma_d + \mid t_\gamma -1 \mid)\]
\[ \delta = \left(\sqrt{(x_z - x_p)^2 + (y_z -y_p)}\right)\]
Weighted Voronoi
Weighted Voronoi
Quantitative analysis
Quantitative analysis
Definition 15
A theory is an abstract concept of the relationship of facts.
Type a
Meta theories
Low level theories
Type b
High level theories
Middle range theories
Quantitative analysis
Quantitative analysis
Quantitative analysis
Quantitative analysis
Types of interaction models
point features
point distribution
number of exchanged objects
inverse cultural distance
Cultural distance
Cultural distance
Theoretical Models
\[I = \frac{k}{d^i}\]
Gravity models
Distance diagram (dd)
Viewpoint | fixed vocus | selected focus | all foucused |
fixed viewpoint | dd1 fixed profile dd, similarity profiles | dd2 fixed sector dd | dd3 fixed multi-focal dd, fall-off curve |
selected viewpoints | dd4 selected profile dd | dd5 selected secotr dd | dd6 selected multi-focal dd |
all viewpointsdd7 aggregated profile dd | dd8 aggregated sector dd | dd9 aggregated multi-focal dd, variogram |
Definition 16 Interaction models plot intensity of interaction over distance.
Interaction model
Interaction model
Modelling systems of transportation
Modelling systems of transportation
Least Cost Path
What does ’least cost’ mean?
Which data are required/available?
How to find the pathway?
How to find the pathway?
How to find the pathway?
How to find the pathway?
Agent based model
Consider your own life
Monday, 5th of September
Tuesday, 6th of September
Wednesday, 7th of September
Thursday, 8th of September