
Cultural Distances

Oliver Nakoinz, Daniel Knitter
MOSAIC Summer School 2016



  • Loading
  • Exploring
    • search for matching data sets in ArkeoGIS
    • create spatial objects
  • Visualise
    • map some aspects of your data

Use code from slides or from scripts stored in folder 1script

Distance Diagramms

Viewpoint fixed vocus selected focus all foucused
fixed viewpoint dd1 fixed profile dd, similarity profiles dd2 fixed sector dd dd3 fixed multi-focal dd, fall-off curve
selected viewpoints dd4 selected profile dd dd5 selected secotr dd dd6 selected multi-focal dd
all viewpointsdd7 aggregated profile dd dd8 aggregated sector dd dd9 aggregated multi-focal dd, variogram


Gerneral Workflow

  • 1. Problem: Put your question.
  • 2. Theory: Which theoretical frame is adequate for solving the problem?
  • 3. Data: Which data can be used for solving the problem? Are they available as database etc.? How can you access the data?
  • 4. Method: Which methods can solve the problem? Learn the methods!
  • 5. Tool: Learn the tools to apply the methods.
  • 6. Finally: Check, validate and interpret the results. Plausible? Significant?

