Point Patterns and Network Approaches

Modelling Spheres of Interaction

Oliver Nakoinz, Daniel Knitter
MOSAIC Summer School 2016

Modelling Spheres of Interaction

Interacting partners

  • individual interactions
  • interaction in groups
  • interaction between groups

Modelling Spheres of Interaction

Interacting systems

  • Point Patterns
  • Networks
  • Systems

Point Patterns

Point pattern analyses

Point pattern analyses

It uses the simplest possible form of spatial data: points/events in an area/region/space

Point pattern analyses

Random point pattern

independent from space ...

  • noise
  • individuality
  • non-spatial process

Structured point patterns

are influenced by:

  • space (first-order effects/properties)
  • points (second-order effects/properties)
  • structures (third-order effects/properties)

Point pattern analyses

Point pattern analyses

Some terminology: in case we have an random point pattern, Complete Spatial Randomness or an Independent Random Process prevails. The condition are:

  • equal probability: any event has an equal probability of being in any position
  • independence: the positioning of any event is independent of the positioning of any other event

Point pattern analyses

Some terminology: in case we have an random point pattern, Complete Spatial Randomness or an Independent Random Process prevails. The condition are:

  • equal probability: any event has an equal probability of being in any position
  • independence: the positioning of any event is independent of the positioning of any other event

CSR means that the process is random not the resulting point pattern!

In point pattern analyses we test against CSR and different forms of specific processes to learn more about our pattern.

Point pattern analyses

Point pattern analyses

A structured point pattern violates CSR conditions:

  1. First-order effects influence the probability of events being in any position of the region --> to trace such influences we investigate the intensity function (~ density) of the points

  2. In case second-order effects are present, points are not independent from one another --> to trace such influences we investigate the distance distributions of the points

Point pattern analyses

  • a stationary point process has a constant point density function.
  • a homogeneous point process is stationary and isotropic. --> CSR
  • a stationary Poisson point process is the reference model in many test for CSR

Point pattern analyses

Events are independent

  • a non-stationary (Poisson) point process has an inhomogeneous intensity function --> e.g. caused by a covariate.

Events are not independent

  • the Cox process is an inhomogeneous Poisson process with a random intensity function. (Approach: create random pattern, create points using Poisson and covariate of random intensity)
  • a Gibbs process involves influence from other points and models an explicit interaction between points (mainly for inhibition). In the case of a hard core Gibbs process, points avoid each other up to a certain threshold and they ignore each other.
  • a Strauss process has a constant influence within a certain distance threshold.
  • a Neyman–Scott process is used to create clustered point pattern by creating random cluster centres that create "offspring" points

Point pattern analyses

Simple measures: mean, standard deviation, intensity (~ density)

O'Sullivan & Unwin 2010, 126-126

Point pattern analyses

    url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dakni/mhbil/master/data/meg_dw.csv",
    destfile = "2data/meg_dw.csv")

meg_dw <- read.table(file = "2data/meg_dw.csv",
                     header = TRUE,
                     sep = ";")

Point pattern analyses

meg_pp <- ppp(x = meg_dw$x, y = meg_dw$y,
              window = owin(xrange = c(min(meg_dw$x),
                            yrange = c(min(meg_dw$y),
                            unitname = c("meter", "meters")

Point pattern analyses


plot of chunk plot_ppp

Point pattern analyses

mc <- cbind(sum(meg_pp$x/meg_pp$n),

stdist <- sqrt(sum((meg_pp$x-mean(meg_pp$x))^2 +
                   (meg_pp$y-mean(meg_pp$y))^2) /

draw.circle(x = mc[1], y = mc[2], radius = stdist, border = "red")

Point pattern analyses

plot of chunk plot_simple_pp_measures

Point pattern analyses

Global intensity = Number of points per area

## A = a * b
area.sqm <- diff(meg_pp$window$xrange) * diff(meg_pp$window$yrange)
area.sqkm <- area.sqm*10^-6
# area <- area/1000000
## [1] 431.3529
## calculate intensity
intensity <- meg_pp$n/area.sqkm
## [1] 0.6189827

Point pattern analyses

Local intensity

qc.meg <- quadratcount(X = meg_pp)

points(meg_pp, pch = 20, cex = .5, col = rgb(.2,.2,.2,.5))

Point pattern analyses

Local intensity

Does the quadratcount indicates CSR?

plot of chunk quadratcount_plot

Point pattern analyses

Local intensity

Does the quadratcount indicates CSR?

To check we use a \(\chi^2\) test approach (remember: relation between observed (i.e. empirical) and expected (i.e. theoretical, here CSR) amounts of points in quadrants)

qt_meg <- quadrat.test(meg_pp)
##  Chi-squared test of CSR using quadrat counts
##  Pearson X2 statistic
## data:  meg_pp
## X2 = 274.48, df = 24, p-value < 2.2e-16
## alternative hypothesis: two.sided
## Quadrats: 5 by 5 grid of tiles

Point pattern analyses

Local intensity

  • top left = observed
  • top right = expected
  • bottom = Pearson residual

Meaning of bottom values:

  • +/- 2 = unusual
  • larger values = gross departure from fitted model

plot of chunk quadratcount_test_plot

Point pattern analyses - First order effects

Kernel density estimation

O'Sullivan & Unwin 2010, Nakoinz & Knitter 2016

Point pattern analyses - First order effects

Kernel density estimation

meg_dens <- density(x = meg_pp,
                    sigma = 2500)


plot of chunk kde_meg_plot

Point pattern analyses - First order effects

Kernel density estimation

Knitter & Nakoinz in press

Point pattern analyses - First order effects

Kernel density estimation

Meister et al. forthcoming

Point pattern analyses - First order effects

We assume that the intensity of the point process is a function of the covariate (Z):

\[\lambda(u) = \rho(Z(U))\]

\(\lambda(u)\) can be regarded as location selection function --> it causes an inhomogeneous probability of points to be located in same areas of the study region

Calculation in R is straightforward

cov_meg <- rhohat(object = "YOUR POINT PATTERN",
                     covariate = "YOUR COVARIATE RASTER",
                     bw = 100
pred_cov_meg <- predict(cov_meg)
cov_compare <- meg_dens - pred_cov_meg

Point pattern analyses - First order effects

Kernel density estimation

Meister et al. forthcoming

Point pattern analyses - First order effects

Kernel density estimation

Meister et al. forthcoming

Point pattern analyses - Second order effects

Point pattern analyses - Second order effects

O'Sullivan & Unwin 2010

Point pattern analyses - Second order effects

\[R = \frac{observed~\overline{d_{min}}}{expected~\overline{d_{min}}}\]

\[R = \frac{\overline{d_{min}}}{\frac{1}{2\sqrt{\lambda}}}\]

meg_nn <- nndist(meg_pp)
## [1] 358.8447
nnE <- 1/(2*sqrt((meg_pp$n/area.sqm)))
## [1] 635.5222
R.meg <- mean(meg_nn)/nnE
## [1] 0.5646453

Point pattern analyses - Second order effects

abline(v=median(meg_nn), lty=2)

plot of chunk nndist_plot

Point pattern analyses - Second order effects

Nakoinz & Knitter 2016, 135

Point pattern analyses - Second order effects

Knitter et al. 2014, 113

Point pattern analyses - Second order effects

cumulative frequency distribution of the nearest-neighbor distances

\[G(d) = \frac{\#(d_{min}(S_{i}) < d)}{n}\]

The function tells us what fraction of all n-n distances is less than d

meg_g <- Gest(meg_pp)

plot of chunk g_plot

Point pattern analyses - Second order effects

cumulative frequency distribution of the nearest-neighbor distances of arbitrary events to known events

\[F(d) = \frac{\#(d_{min}(p_i,S) < d)}{m}\]

meg_f <- Fest(meg_pp)

hmm...this can be advanced...in the Workshop :)

plot of chunk f_plot

Point pattern analyses - Second order effects

~ cumulative frequency distribution of all points within a certain radius

\[K(d) = \frac{\sum\limits_{i=1}^{n}\#(S \in C(s_i,d))}{n\lambda}\]

meg_k <- Kest(meg_pp)

plot of chunk k_plot

Point pattern analyses - Second order effects

Nakoinz & Knitter 2016, 142-143




  • A networks are objects, in which elements (vertices) are connected by edges.

  • Networks are models, mapping certain facets of the real world.

  • Network theory has roots in geography and in social sciences


Network theory is based on graph theory

Do you know examples of networks?


  • Rivers, Knappett, Evans
  • Cyclades in Bronze Age
  • fixed radius network


  • Rivers, Knappett, Evans
  • distance decay function


  • Rivers, Knappett, Evans
  • Cyclades in Bronze Age
  • entropy model using double constrains

Networks | Graphs

  • package igraph
  • constructing graphs
## Error in plot(n1): object 'n1' not found
n1 <- graph( edges=c(1,5, 2,4, 1,3, 2,5, 
      3,5, 1,2, 3,4), n=6, directed=T ) 
## IGRAPH D--- 6 7 -- 
## + edges:
## [1] 1->5 2->4 1->3 2->5 3->5 1->2 3->4
## + 7/7 edges:
## [1] 1->5 2->4 1->3 2->5 3->5 1->2 3->4
## + 6/6 vertices:
## [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6

Networks | Graphs

  • package igraph
  • constructing graphs

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-3

## 6 x 6 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
## [1,] . 1 1 . 1 .
## [2,] . . . 1 1 .
## [3,] . . . 1 1 .
## [4,] . . . . . .
## [5,] . . . . . .
## [6,] . . . . . .

Networks | Graphs

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-5

n1 <- set_vertex_attr(n1, "label", 
      value =c("p1", "p2", "p3", 
      "Ppoint4", "Punkt 5", "6"))

Networks | Graphs

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-7

n2 <- make_full_graph(22)

Networks | Graphs

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-9

n3 <- make_tree(22, children = 3, 
      mode = "undirected")


Delaunay graph

  • Delaunay graph as example for graphs/spatial networks
  • The Delaunay graph connects the natural neighbours

Networks | Delaunay graph

Construction rules for some neighbourhood graphs

Networks | Delaunay graph

The connections represent the liklyness of interaction


  • packages spdep
  • spatial graphs
wd <- "/home/fon/daten/analyse/mosaic"  
co.weapons <- read.csv("2data/
    shkr-weapons.csv", header=TRUE, 

Networks | Delaunay graph

##      PLEASE NOTE:  The components "delsgs" and "summary" of the
##  object returned by deldir() are now DATA FRAMES rather than
##  matrices (as they were prior to release 0.0-18).
##  See help("deldir").
##      PLEASE NOTE: The process that deldir() uses for determining
##  duplicated points has changed from that used in version
##  0.0-9 of this package (and previously). See help("deldir").

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-13

coords <- as.matrix(coordinates
ids <- row.names(as.data.frame
wts <- co.weapons[,1]; wts[] <- 1
fs_nb_del <- tri2nb(co.weapons, 
del <- nb2lines(fs_nb_del, 
    wts=wts, coords=coords,  
    proj4string =  CRS(as.character(crs1)))

Networks | SOI

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-15

fs_nb_soi <- graph2nb(soi.graph(fs_nb_del,
    coords),   row.names=ids)
soi <- nb2lines(fs_nb_soi, wts=wts, 
    coords=coords,  proj4string =  

Networks | Gabriel-Graph

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-17

fs_nb_gabriel <- graph2nb(gabrielneigh
  (coords),  row.names=ids)  
gabriel <- nb2lines(fs_nb_gabriel, 
  wts=wts,   coords=coords, 
  proj4string =  CRS(as.character(crs1)))

Networks | Relative-Neighbour-Graph

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-19

fs_nb_relative <- graph2nb(
relative <- nb2lines(fs_nb_relative, 
  wts=wts,  coords=coords, 
  proj4string =  CRS(as.character(crs1)))

Networks | Delaunay graph

  • transforming spdep-graph to igraph-graph

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-21

n4nb <- nb2mat(fs_nb_del, 
  style="B", zero.policy=TRUE)
n4 <- graph.adjacency(n4nb, 

What do spatial graphs tell about interaction?

Networks | Centrality

Centrality maps the structural importance of a node/edge in a network.

Networks | Centrality

##  [1] 5 3 6 5 5 3 6 3 5 3
##  [1] 0.07142857 0.06666667 0.08333333 0.07692308 0.07692308 0.05882353
##  [7] 0.08333333 0.06250000 0.07692308 0.06666667
##  [1] 3.0000000 0.6666667 5.1666667 2.5000000 3.9166667 0.0000000 5.1666667
##  [8] 0.0000000 3.9166667 0.6666667
##  [1] 3.666667 2.833333 2.833333 2.000000 3.666667 4.166667 2.500000
##  [8] 3.750000 2.666667 3.500000 4.083333 2.500000 1.833333 2.833333
## [15] 3.750000 1.833333 3.083333 4.083333 3.666667 3.083333 3.500000
## [22] 4.166667

Networks | Plotting Centrality

  • transforming spdep-graph to igraph-graph

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-24

ceb <- cluster_edge_
dendPlot(ceb, mode="hclust")

Networks | Plotting Centrality

  • transforming spdep-graph to igraph-graph

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-26

plot(ceb, n4)

What does centrality tell about interaction?


Systems | Agent Based Modelling

ABM comprises

  • an actors
  • an envirionment and
  • a process

Systems | Agent Based Modelling

Example Heuneburg

  • indigenous people
  • merchants

Systems | Agent Based Modelling

Reasoning for certain relationships

Systems | Agent Based Modelling

The process

Actors can:

  • move
  • trade
  • accumulate wealth

Systems | Agent Based Modelling

Some results

Systems | Agent Based Modelling

But is it useful?

What do you think?

Systems | Agent Based Modelling

Introducing some complexity

Systems | Agent Based Modelling

Some more results

Systems | Agent Based Modelling

Interpretation for the Heuneburg

No code provided for the AMB (Summer School 2017)

Apply point pattern analysis and network analysis in the workshop this afternoon!
