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life.table calculates life table(s). The algorithm is optimised for deceased populations encountered in archaeological research. See Chamberlain 2006, 27ff., Herrmann et. al 1990, 303ff., Kokkotidis/Richter 1991, Keyfitz et al. 2005 for selected literature.
The function takes an individual data.frame or a list of data.frames and returns an object of class mortaar_life_table or mortaar_life_table_list, for which specialised summary, print and plot functions exist.


life.table(neclist, agecor = TRUE, agecorfac = c(), option_spline = NULL)



single data.frame or list of data.frames with the columns 'x', 'a', 'Dx'.

  • x: age interval identifier, optional. - Otherwise determined from a.

  • a: years within x.

  • Dx: number of deaths within x.


logical, optional. If set TRUE, the average number of years lived within a given age class of individuals having died in this class can be adjusted via agecorfac. If set FALSE, it is assumed that they died in the middle of this class. Due to the higher mortality rates of infants, this assumption is certainly inaccurate for individuals <= 5 years.

Default setup is: TRUE.


numeric vector, optional. Only applies if agecor == TRUE. Given values replace the standard values from the first age interval onward.

Default setup is 1/3 for every age class <= 5 life years, and 1/2 for the others.


integer, optional. If > 0, values for adults will be interpolated by a monotonic cubic spline. Usual options will by '10' or '20' which will interpolate the values for individuals of an age of 20 or older by 10- or 20- year cumulated values. To be used carefully, as diagnostic features of the life table might be smoothed and essentially removed. Only available when the methods 'Standard' or 'Equal5' in have been chosen.


An object of class mortaar_life_table or mortaar_life_table_list. Each mortaar_life_table contains the following variables:

  • x: age interval.

  • a: years within x.

  • Ax: average number of years lived by an individual that died within a specific age class x :

    \(A_{x} = a_{x} * agecorfac_{x}\)

  • Dx: number of deaths within x.

  • dx: proportion of deaths within x (percent) :

    \(d_{x} = \frac{D_{x}}{\sum_{i=1}^{n} D_{i}} * 100\)

  • lx: survivorship within x (percent) :

    \(l_{x+1} = l_{x} - d_{x}\) with \(l_{0} = 100\)

  • qx: probability of death within x (percent) :

    \(q_{x} = \frac{d_{x}}{l_{x}}* 100\)

  • Lx: number of years lived within x by those that died within x and those that reached the next age class :

    \(L_{x} = (a_{x} * l_{x}) - ((a_{x} - A_{x}) * d_{x})\)

  • Tx: sum of years lived within current and remaining x :

    \(T_{x+1} = T_{x} - L_{x}\) with \(T_{0} = \sum_{i=1}^{n}{L_{i}}\)

  • ex: average years of life remaining (average life expectancy at mean(x)) :

    \(e_{x} = \frac{T_{x}}{l_{x}}\)

  • rel_popx: percentage of L(x) of the sum of L(x) :

    \(relpopx_{x} = \frac{L_{x}}{\sum_{i=1}^{n}{L_{i}}} * 100\)







# Create a mortaar_life_table from a prepared dataset.
schleswig_1 <- life.table(schleswig_ma[c("a", "Dx")])
#> 	 mortAAR life table (n = 247 individuals)
#> Life expectancy at birth (e0): 30.671
#>         x a    Ax Dx     dx      lx      qx      Lx       Tx     ex rel_popx
#> 1    0--4 5 1.667 50 20.243 100.000  20.243 432.524 3067.139 30.671   14.102
#> 2    5--9 5 2.500 22  8.907  79.757  11.168 376.518 2634.615 33.033   12.276
#> 3  10--14 5 2.500 12  4.858  70.850   6.857 342.105 2258.097 31.871   11.154
#> 4  15--19 5 2.500  8  3.239  65.992   4.908 321.862 1915.992 29.034   10.494
#> 5  20--26 7 3.500 15  6.073  62.753   9.677 418.016 1594.130 25.403   13.629
#> 6  27--33 7 3.500 30 12.146  56.680  21.429 354.251 1176.113 20.750   11.550
#> 7  34--40 7 3.500 12  4.858  44.534  10.909 294.737  821.862 18.455    9.610
#> 8  41--47 7 3.500 19  7.692  39.676  19.388 250.810  527.126 13.286    8.177
#> 9  48--54 7 3.500 36 14.575  31.984  45.570 172.874  276.316  8.639    5.636
#> 10 55--61 7 3.500 28 11.336  17.409  65.116  82.186  103.441  5.942    2.680
#> 11 62--68 7 3.500 15  6.073   6.073 100.000  21.255   21.255  3.500    0.693 
plot(schleswig_1, display = "lx")

# Create a mortaar_life_table_list from two datasets.
odagsen <- life.table(list(
  "corpus mandibulae" = odagsen_cm[c("a", "Dx")],
  "margo orbitalis" = odagsen_mo[c("a", "Dx")]
#> 	 mortAAR life table for : corpus mandibulae (n = 67.2 individuals)
#> Life expectancy at birth (e0): 37.888
#>         x a Ax  Dx     dx      lx      qx      Lx       Tx     ex rel_popx
#> 1    0--5 6  3 4.0  5.952 100.000   5.952 582.143 3788.839 37.888   15.365
#> 2   6--11 6  3 7.5 11.161  94.048  11.867 530.804 3206.696 34.097   14.010
#> 3  12--17 6  3 2.0  2.976  82.887   3.591 488.393 2675.893 32.284   12.890
#> 4  18--25 8  4 7.1 10.565  79.911  13.222 597.024 2187.500 27.374   15.757
#> 5  26--33 8  4 7.6 11.310  69.345  16.309 509.524 1590.476 22.936   13.448
#> 6  34--41 8  4 9.6 14.286  58.036  24.615 407.143 1080.952 18.626   10.746
#> 7  42--49 8  4 9.3 13.839  43.750  31.633 294.643  673.810 15.401    7.777
#> 8  50--57 8  4 5.8  8.631  29.911  28.856 204.762  379.167 12.677    5.404
#> 9  58--65 8  4 6.8 10.119  21.280  47.552 129.762  174.405  8.196    3.425
#> 10 66--73 8  4 7.5 11.161  11.161 100.000  44.643   44.643  4.000    1.178
#> 	 mortAAR life table for : margo orbitalis (n = 74.8 individuals)
#> Life expectancy at birth (e0): 34.739
#>         x a Ax   Dx     dx      lx      qx      Lx       Tx     ex rel_popx
#> 1    0--5 6  3  5.5  7.353 100.000   7.353 577.941 3473.930 34.739   16.637
#> 2   6--11 6  3  4.0  5.348  92.647   5.772 539.840 2895.989 31.258   15.540
#> 3  12--17 6  3  3.0  4.011  87.299   4.594 511.765 2356.150 26.989   14.732
#> 4  18--25 8  4 10.6 14.171  83.289  17.014 609.626 1844.385 22.144   17.549
#> 5  26--33 8  4 16.6 22.193  69.118  32.108 464.171 1234.759 17.865   13.362
#> 6  34--41 8  4  8.6 11.497  46.925  24.501 329.412  770.588 16.422    9.482
#> 7  42--49 8  4 11.0 14.706  35.428  41.509 224.599  441.176 12.453    6.465
#> 8  50--57 8  4  6.0  8.021  20.722  38.710 133.690  216.578 10.452    3.848
#> 9  58--65 8  4  6.5  8.690  12.701  68.421  66.845   82.888  6.526    1.924
#> 10 66--73 8  4  3.0  4.011   4.011 100.000  16.043   16.043  4.000    0.462 
plot(odagsen, display = "ex")

# Prepare a real world dataset and create a mortaar_life_table.
magdalenenberg %>%
 replace(. == "60-x", "60-70") %>%
 tidyr::separate(a, c("from", "to")) %>%
 dplyr::mutate(from = as.numeric(from), to = as.numeric(to)) %>%
  dec = "Dx",
  agebeg = "from",
  ageend = "to",
  method = "Standard",
  agerange = "excluded"
 ) %>%
#> 	 mortAAR life table (n = 111 individuals)
#> Life expectancy at birth (e0): 32.202
#>         x a    Ax     Dx     dx      lx      qx      Lx       Tx     ex
#> 1    0--0 1 0.333  0.948  0.854 100.000   0.854  99.431 3220.201 32.202
#> 2    1--4 4 1.333  2.843  2.561  99.146   2.583 389.757 3120.770 31.476
#> 3    5--9 5 2.500  4.620  4.162  96.586   4.309 472.523 2731.014 28.276
#> 4  10--14 5 2.500  4.540  4.090  92.423   4.425 451.892 2258.491 24.436
#> 5  15--19 5 2.500  4.210  3.793  88.333   4.294 432.185 1806.599 20.452
#> 6  20--24 5 2.500 14.990 13.505  84.541  15.974 388.941 1374.414 16.257
#> 7  25--29 5 2.500 20.610 18.568  71.036  26.138 308.761  985.473 13.873
#> 8  30--34 5 2.500 17.200 15.495  52.468  29.533 223.604  676.712 12.897
#> 9  35--39 5 2.500 14.390 12.964  36.973  35.063 152.455  453.108 12.255
#> 10 40--44 5 2.500  6.680  6.018  24.009  25.066 105.000  300.653 12.523
#> 11 45--49 5 2.500  4.040  3.640  17.991  20.230  80.856  195.653 10.875
#> 12 50--54 5 2.500  5.490  4.946  14.351  34.463  59.392  114.797  7.999
#> 13 55--59 5 2.500  5.720  5.153   9.405  54.789  34.144   55.405  5.891
#> 14 60--64 5 2.500  2.360  2.126   4.252  50.000  15.946   21.261  5.000
#> 15 65--69 5 2.500  2.360  2.126   2.126 100.000   5.315    5.315  2.500
#>    rel_popx
#> 1     3.088
#> 2    12.103
#> 3    14.674
#> 4    14.033
#> 5    13.421
#> 6    12.078
#> 7     9.588
#> 8     6.944
#> 9     4.734
#> 10    3.261
#> 11    2.511
#> 12    1.844
#> 13    1.060
#> 14    0.495
#> 15    0.165