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Prepares the input for life.table(). An individual based approach is supported as well as already pooled data (e. g. from an already existing life table). In the latter case, the user has to specify a numerical variable (dec) which defines the count for each age class. If no life table exists, this function will process a dataframe including the age ranges of individuals or groups of individuals to discrete the age classes. The age range is spread to single years. agebeg has to be specified for the beginning of an age range, as well as ageend for the end of an age range. If a data-set with year-known individuals is used, ageend can be omitted but then the parameter agerange has to left on its default value (included). The method defines in which way the single years between the different age classes are split. If the data set comprises a grouping variable (e.g., sex), this can be specified with group.

  dec = NA,
  ageend = NA,
  group = NA,
  method = "Standard",
  agerange = "included"



single dataframe containing sex age and quantity of deceased (individuals or group of individuals).


column name (as character) of the count of deceased, optional.


column name (as character) for the beginning of an age range.


column name (as character) for the end of an age range, optional.


column name (as character) of the grouping field (e.g., sex), optional. Default setup is: NA.


character string, optional. Default options is Standard, which will create age classes beginning with 1 year, up to 4 years, followed by steps of 5 years (1,4,5,5,...) until the maximum age is reached. Equal5 will create age classes with an even distribution, stepped by 5 years (5,5,...) until the maximum age is reached. If method is a single numeric, this number will be repeated until the maximum age is reached. Thereby, it is possible to create a year-wise life table.


character string, optional. Default setup is: included. If the age ranges from "20 to 40" and "40 to 60", excluded will exclude the year 40 from "20 to 40", to prevent overlapping age classes. included is for age ranges like "20 to 39" where the year 39 is meant to be counted.


A list of input parameter needed for the function life.table.

  • x or Age: age interval.

  • a: years within x.

  • Dx: number of deaths within x.


# Separate age ranges in your data set.
df <- dplyr::mutate(
     magdalenenberg=="60-x", "60-69"
    c("from", "to")
  from = as.numeric(from),
  to = as.numeric(to)

# Apply to a data set containing the age ranges.
magda_prep <-
  dec = "Dx",
  agebeg = "from",
  ageend = "to",
  method = "Equal5",
  agerange = "included"

# Create a life.table.
#> 	 mortAAR life table (n = 111 individuals)
#> Life expectancy at birth (e0): 32.196
#>         x a    Ax    Dx     dx      lx      qx      Lx       Tx     ex rel_popx
#> 1    0--4 5 1.667  3.79  3.414 100.000   3.414 488.619 3219.632 32.196   15.176
#> 2    5--9 5 2.500  4.62  4.162  96.586   4.309 472.523 2731.014 28.276   14.676
#> 3  10--14 5 2.500  4.54  4.090  92.423   4.425 451.892 2258.491 24.436   14.036
#> 4  15--19 5 2.500  4.21  3.793  88.333   4.294 432.185 1806.599 20.452   13.423
#> 5  20--24 5 2.500 14.99 13.505  84.541  15.974 388.941 1374.414 16.257   12.080
#> 6  25--29 5 2.500 20.61 18.568  71.036  26.138 308.761  985.473 13.873    9.590
#> 7  30--34 5 2.500 17.20 15.495  52.468  29.533 223.604  676.712 12.897    6.945
#> 8  35--39 5 2.500 14.39 12.964  36.973  35.063 152.455  453.108 12.255    4.735
#> 9  40--44 5 2.500  6.68  6.018  24.009  25.066 105.000  300.653 12.523    3.261
#> 10 45--49 5 2.500  4.04  3.640  17.991  20.230  80.856  195.653 10.875    2.511
#> 11 50--54 5 2.500  5.49  4.946  14.351  34.463  59.392  114.797  7.999    1.845
#> 12 55--59 5 2.500  5.72  5.153   9.405  54.789  34.144   55.405  5.891    1.060
#> 13 60--64 5 2.500  2.36  2.126   4.252  50.000  15.946   21.261  5.000    0.495
#> 14 65--69 5 2.500  2.36  2.126   2.126 100.000   5.315    5.315  2.500    0.165